Why choose Partera

Effortless crypto Exchange and Investment

The simple way to swap your fiat money into the world’s fastest growing tokens.

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The fast & simple way to invest in crypto

Professional, Safe & Secure

Multi-Currency Support

Our people are available for you 24/7

Our Crypto Investment Offer

Exclusive Crypto Investment Plans

Your total income directly depends on the plan subscribed, so the more you invest, the more you can earn.

Our Investment Plans


$600 - $3000


$2500 - $5000


$3500 - $7000


$5000 - $25000

What Makes Partera Outstanding?

At Partera, we believe that long term, fully diversified investing provides the best results over time. When you combine that with the diligent algorithmic monitoring that auto-rebalances your accounts, identifies tax-saving opportunities daily and manages all your multiple accounts, instead of just one, it’s a service that’s hard to beat.


    *. Diversification

    Diversification is a critically important tool available to every investor. We follow a ‘buy and rebalance’ strategy which invests in a diversified set of asset classes through low-fee funds. Our investment universe covers a global set of investment opportunities while remaining compact enough to create clarity of purpose for each investment.


    *. Risk management

    We believe that a portfolio should reduce risk as your time horizon approaches. This principle is built into our methodology through investment glidepaths, which decrease your portfolio’s allocation to equities and increase your allocation to bonds over time as you approach your goal’s time horizon. Your personal risk preferences determine which glidepath is most appropriate for you.

We constantly engage with our clients to provide smooth experience.

We support research based financial solutions for steady inflow.

We are risk-aware, which is why we ensure that low risk trades are executed to sustain capital.

We are risk-aware, which is why we ensure that low risk trades are executed to sustain capital.

How much you will earn?


Registered users


Countries supported


Withdrawn each month


Active users daily